Janice Davis Steele • Faith and Work
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 3:24
No matter where you are in your spiritual walk, there is so much more to learn, to discover, and to experience concerning our Lord. God has so much more of His glory to reveal to you. He has so many more blessings in store for you. He has so much more of His ways for you to experience. We must beware of spiritual complacency.
Rev. Janice Davis Steele • Healing
This study is designed to equip you with the Word of God concerning healing. Meditate on these scriptures. Speak them out loud. Release your faith. Healing is for you! Read, meditate, apply, and be blessed of the Lord!
Rev. Janice Davis Steele • Healing
So often we are told in fairly general terms that we must go to the Word and just stand on the Word when we receive a negative report. This article provides practical information and guidance on what to do when faced with a negative report. It is based on the Word of God and personal experience. We pray it will be a blessing to you.
Rev. Janice Davis Steele • Faith
Discover how to walk in divine favor. God favors you! In Ephesians 1:6 the Bible declares that you have already been "accepted" or "highly favored" by God. Discover how to appropriate and activate the divine favor of God in your life in this teaching.
Rev. Dr. Anthony T. Turkson • General
Jesus' death, burial, resurrection and ascension were essential to restore what the human race lost through the fall of man. Our restoration cost Jesus his life. When we combine what Jesus did for us with our faith in Him, we are restored back to God. It is God's desire to restore you wholly -- spirit, soul, and body. Discover the depths of what has been restored to those who believe in God and trust in Jesus in this insightful study outline by Rev. Dr. A. T. Turkson, Senior Pastor of World Missions Ministries located in Clinton, Maryland, and West Palm Beach, Florida.