Online Bible

Prayer Requests

Please submit a prayer request by clicking on the button below.
Mabel H. Post
September 18, 2009
Hi, this is M.H., and I would like you to pray for a right tenant for my apartment in Panama. I do need to rent it as soon as possible. I also would like you to join me to pray for my daughter Jessica, so the Lord may open new doors for her and guide and help her decision to work independently on her career. Thank you all for your prayers. May God richly blessed you all.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
September 17, 2009
Praise The Lord

I would like your prayers concerning me returning to my place in God. I was a man of God who was walking upright before the Lord and enjoying his favor tremendously, I spoke and ministered to others through the power of God's Spirit. I met later on the woman who I thought I was gonna marry who not only broke my heart but betrayed me. I feel so sad thinking I have let God down and will never get to really enjoy my passion and hearts desire in teaching His Word. I want my fellowship and the great love that I had for Jesus to come back. To be confident that He still loves me in spite of me.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
September 17, 2009
I ask for prayer for my son to be totally free of all allergies, in Jesus Name.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
September 3, 2009
I would appreciate it if you joined me in paryer this evening. My cousin has falling ill, and is in a coma state. His kidney's are failing, the vessels in his brain have burst, and we found out that there are tumors in his brain. I would really be greatful for you to help me to pray for dustin brown. I am new top the site but my spirit is familiar with the lord. Thank you
Anonymous Anonymous Post
September 3, 2009
Pastor Janice

I covet your prayers for my son who is looking for a job - he gave up the one he had and wanted to be self employed and had a contract - worked very hard and was not paid. As a result he is smoking and drinking.
Thank you so much and God bless
Esther Parsons.
Marina D. Post
August 26, 2009
Please support me in prayer for few things:
For RENEWING IN THE SPIRIT, prayers that are have efficiency, might, closeness with the Lord
For friend KACA -that she RECONCILE with her NEBOJSA, for their NEW BEGINNING.. That he does not pay attention to one JELENA, who is like after him, ENJOYING IN DESTROYING RELATIONSHIPS, GOSSIPING OTHERS, SELFSHNESS, but to REMEMBER LONG LOVE WITH KACA, and all reconciliations & that KACA and N officially get married.. That K. & N show their FEELINGS, and that GOD work out peace between them, healing their old hurts.. That they get married.. and thank you
And for many blessings on YOUR, MINE, KACA'S.. on our families, for HEALTH, more finances, God's leading and protection..God's spiritual & financial blessings-BLESS YOU
Your sister in Christ, MARINA
Anonymous Anonymous Post
August 14, 2009
I had an in office procedure performed last week on my left breast and when the doctor removed the stitches yesterday it left an open wound. I'm believing God for total healing, no infection, pain, or scarring and a speedy healing of the wound with new skin in the Name of Jesus.
Mabel H. Post
August 9, 2009
I need prayers for my cousin Joaquin Huertas, who had a very serious surgery last week. For his total recovery so he can have a normal life and peace for his family. For a very special friend of mine who is under treatment for a liver cancer. Please pray for me, so that the Lord would send me the right person to rent my apartment in Panama. M. H.
A. T. Post
August 9, 2009
Praise the Lord! Please agree with me in prayer that God will fully restore my hair in fullness and length that has come out as a result of the long time stress from my abusive husband/marriage (he treated me like dirt) and at my job. My husband recently left the marriage (he indicated that he wanted to explore some other things). I believe that I have made every effort work on the marriage and seek external help, to no avail. Now, I'm praying and thanking God because I know without a shadow of doubt that He is with me (He told me that I am not alone) and is working all things together for my good, that He has a perfect plan for my life and has already made provision for me if I just trust and seek Him and lean not on my own understanding. His ways are not my ways. I know that this did not catch Him by surprise and that He is making me whole spiritually, emotionally and naturally in Jesus' name and that I will fulfill his purpose in my life. God can heal us everywhere we hurt. I pray that I will see this whole situation through God's eyes because He knows all things and has all of the pieces of this puzzle and He is a righteous judge. I pray that I will walk in total forgiveness and let love lead me in all of my actions. Thank you.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
August 7, 2009
Please pray for total healing from vocal cord paralysis and airway obstruction. Also for restoration of my voice.

Thank you and God Bless
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